Abundance is all around us...claim yours!

What is Fierce Cheerleading?

Whether times are easy or hard, there’s nothing like having someone tell us how amazing we are.  Through a series of questions and exercises, Eryka pinpoints your amazingness with complete and total accuracy...and continues to tell you how fantastic you are, how incredible your accomplishments are, until you really and truly know it and FEEL it!

Fierce Cheerleading is where you get to hear from someone else how utterly amazing you are, how smart you are for having done exactly what you’ve done in your life. This approach is based upon the Strengths Perspective—a proven therapeutic technique that’s been around for about a million years and really works! 

Why does Eryka do this?
Eryka says: I’m pretty convinced that after the age of 10 we stop hearing how everything we do is fantastic and instead only hear about what we could be doing better.  While constructive criticism can sometimes be helpful, sometimes we just need and deserve to be praised.  We have a positivity deficiency in our culture!  I want to help you recognize how incredible it is that you’ve done what you did, and how you got to where you are now.  

How does she do this?  
Eryka says: I’ll ask you some questions.  And then I’ll fierce cheerlead the hell out of you!

Want to see what it's like for yourself? For a sample, contact me to set up a free 15 minute amuse bouche of Fierce Cheerleading.

What kind of cheerleading would serve you best? 

Issue-based cheerleading
Whether it’s about money, weight, love, relationships, career, family, etc., we’ve all done something “wrong”.  But Eryka is a world-class reframer, so she can see how what you’ve done is right, and would be beyond honored to tell you EXACTLY HOW so you can have a different way of looking at yourself. 

Project-based cheerleading
Have you had an idea percolating in there for awhile, but can't seem to get it off the ground?  Are having thoughts of, "Well, it's a good idea, but I can't really do it" or "Someone else could probably do it better than me"?
Life-based cheerleading
You're feeling low-grade bummertude about things in general and need some upliftment.  Or...maybe you're feeling like you've got multiple issues right now and would like a different way of looking at your life so you can change things for the better!
Honey, contact Eryka pronto She'll cheerlead you until you realize that you are fantastic and can TOTALLY execute the idea you have.

Fierce Cheerleading Rates:
30 minute session: $60
Five 30 minute sessions: $275             
Ten 30 minute sessions: $550
Introductory 15 minute session: FREE!

"Eryka's fierce cheerleading is amazing. She is so affirming and at the same time, completely authentic. I never once felt like she was 'just saying it because I paid her'. Instead I felt someone who got to the core of who I am, who saw me in all my brilliance and possibility and wasn't shy about letting me know! If you're wondering at all about whether to try fierce cheerleading, I say 'go for it!' It feels so delicious and good and true--it will give you energy to be and create what you want in your life. Fierce cheerleading is a gift. After one experience with fierce cheerleading, I immediately decided to get my husband a session for Christmas!" -- E.C., Brooklyn, NY