Abundance is all around us...claim yours!
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Abundance Metamorphosis Program

Okay, my love...it's time.
Yes, it is SO time. I am so excited for you and for me to get ourselves together and take ourselves and our abundance to the next level.
Oh yeah, baby.  Oh. YEAH!
So I've teased you over the past few months with coy mentions about my new 6 month Abundance Metamorphosis Program and all the awesome that it entails.
I get shivers just thinking of all the cool stuff I get to give you when you enroll in the 6 month Abundance Metamorphosis Program:
    •    1-on-1 sessions with me!
    •    Customized tools and resources to track and enhance your abundance
    •    FREE access to ALL of my group programs during your 6 months in the program
    •    Personalized feedback and homework to increase your abundance
    •    Follow up support AFTER your 6 months is finished
    •    Fantastic books and goodies
    •    ....And OH so much more!
We can get into the specifics when we talk about whether this is right for you. 
What I think you want to know, though, are the BENEFITS.  Why would you do something like this?  How would it serve YOU?
Does any of this resonate with you?
    •    The "Good on Paper" dilemma: Maybe you look good on paper-good job, good relationship, nice stuff, nice place to live-but you don't feel as good as you "should."
    •    Maybe you have an overactive and cruel inner critic who doesn't let you be proud of anything you've done. 
    •    Maybe you feel okay overall, but there's some...powerful...thing holding you back from achieving your highest potential, from letting your gifts and your light be seen, keeping you from being the worldchanger you know you can be.
    •    Maybe you feel guilty for having everything you do (see: inner critic...or maybe noisy family members or friends) and for not appreciating it "appropriately."
    •    Maybe you feel like you've made bad decisions in the past and don't trust yourself to make good decisions in the future.  Never mind the fact that if you're "good on paper," then you've obviously done some amazing stuff RIGHT!
    •    Maybe you don't understand money and how it works, and you want to make empowered and educated decisions about your money and your future.
    •    Maybe people tell you that you're awesome, talented, amazing, etc. But you don't believe them.
    •    Maybe you play small because you don't want to offend or upset anyone, or because you secretly fear your own success and what that would mean.
    •    Maybe you "should" all over yourself and need to start talking to yourself with more love and compassion.
    •    Maybe your life is run by your limiting beliefs and behaviors and your fears.
    •    And the kicker: maybe everything you have right now that is supposedly so great...isn't really what you want.  Doesn't really fill you up, make you feel incredible and alive.
See, these are not fun ways to live.  I should know, I lived like that for a looooooong time.  I was freaking fantastic on paper: huge bank balance, lived in a beautiful brownstone in Park Slope, a nonprofit founder, and world traveler.  I was living my dreams, right?  Well...yeah, except for the fact that my inner critic was so f*cking loud and my limiting beliefs were so unbelievably powerful that I felt guilty for living my dreams and I sabotaged them so impressively that within a few years, I had to start everything over.  And man, I doubted the HELL out of myself.  Felt profound shame for how I had mismanaged my money because I didn't know how money worked, so I ended up in bankruptcy, and stayed small so I wouldn't rock my boat ever again.
But...that sucked.  And wasn't right. Because I know I have gifts to share with the world.  And I know that you do too!
You are not required to live life this way!  Held back by your doubts, your fears, your shame.  There is another way to live.  And it is waaaay better, for everyone!  Believe me.  No one benefits from you living your life this way. 
Least of all you!
There are few things that sadden me more than awesome people not seeing themselves as the awesome people they are, with the tremendous talents and skills they possess.  People getting caught up in scarcity and fear rather than seeing their potential and their abundance, and acting on them.
But of course that happens.  It happens all too often, because we live in a society and culture that is predicated on scarcity and fear!  There is a cultural shift that's talking place, where people are realizing that we need to take the steps ourselves in order to literally transform the world into one that's all about the abundance and potential.
Here's the thing, though...I'll be straight with you.  It's hard to do this work on your own!  And it takes a long time to do it on your own, if it works at all.  I've tried.  Many of my clients tried.  And it worked...up to a point.  And then we smacked up against the wall like the not-so-Wily Coyote, and slinked back to where we were before.  But we felt even worse about it, because we  had a glimpse of what an awesome abundant and happy life could feel like.
It is SOOOOOOO much more doable when you have an abundance coach in your corner, working with you to transform your mindset and seeing where you get stuck.  Someone who can clearly see your limiting beliefs and behaviors without getting caught up in your story and give you tools to transform them.  And, bonus! They are tools that WORK.
We'll work together to making that inner critic's voice quieter or even silent... shift your mindset so you find yourself and what you've done in your life RIGHT...learn and implement essential concepts of personal finance and how to make good financial decisions...become comfortable accepting the compliments that are your DUE without worrying about being immodest...implode your limiting beliefs and create new ways of looking at yourself and your talents...discover what fills you up and nourishes you, and make that your default way of living.
I'll be with you on every step of this journey, and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that I truly desire your transformation for YOUR sake...because I firmly believe that YOUR transformation will change the world for the better.
And that makes my world better!  So that's why I do this.  I want to make the world a better place, and after working for years in social justice, women's empowerment, finance, and a bunch of other things, this is the most successful strategy I've come up with.
And if you make the world better for you, then it necessarily impacts the people around you, whether it's your family, your work, your community, or your country.  It's the ripple effect, right?  Like Marianne Williamson says, your playing small simply doesn't serve the world.  You know what?  Your playing small actually actively detracts from the world, and harms it.  No more of that.
What I want for YOU is for you to have the confidence and the knowledge to achieve your fullest potential.  To live an abundant life, to see your life as abundant...and to create the abundant life you deserve if you don't have it now.  Because that, my friend, is what will make the world better than it is now.
So what happens now?
Now I want you to contact me right away and tell me that you want to set up a consult to see if my 6 month program is right for you.
We'll have a 45-minute conversation where we'll see if we're a good match and if abundance coaching is right for you.  And then we'll get into the specifics about the number of times we'll talk and the rest of the goodies!  Whether Abundance Coaching is right for you or not, you'll come away from our consultation with some key insights and some great tools that'll help you jumpstart your abundance.
I know I said this already...I'm sooo extremely excited about this.  So now I have to say:
If there was ONE THING that I've learned about personal transformation and growth and making the decision to live the life you desire AND DESERVE, it's that...waiting serves no one.
NO ONE AT ALL.  The longer you wait, the longer you live your life as it is now, rather than as it could be.
Why would you do that?
If you really want to transform your life and how you move through the world, the only real reasons to wait are money and fear.
"I can't afford an abundance coach!"
Well, to that one, I say...a few things.
First of all, if you're living a life of unfulfilled potential and self-sabotaging thoughts and behavior, what's that costing you?
Seriously.  What's that costing you?  In stress?  In displaced anger?  In sadness and self-doubt?  Honey, at a certain point, money becomes no object when you realize just what your own scarcity mindset and limiting thoughts and behaviors are costing you.  I don't mean to be glib.  I say that because my limiting beliefs and behaviors cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars. (No joke.)  And when I decided to take myself and my transformation seriously, I made it happen.  It wasn't easy.  But neither was living my life the way I was living it before.  So did I invest in a coach?  Hell yeah!  A whole bunch of ‘em!
And I'm not rigid, and I know very well how paralyzing money issues can be!   If this program is right for you and your growth, we'll work out something that works for us both.   I promise.
And if that's the first thought that came up--even though I haven't even said what the investment in the 6 month program is yet-then you, my darling, absolutely need to speak with me.  At least for the 45-minute session..which is FREE!  Because I'm guessing that this might be a consistent issue in your life.  And hoo boy, that is no fun.
Then there's fear.
Fear comes up as... "I don't have time," "I'm afraid of what I'll uncover-what if I really loathe my life and everyone in it?" "I'm afraid I'm beyond help." "I don't want to rock the boat."  "Maybe I don't really deserve all that happiness."  "Isn't it selfish to spend so much time and money on my own growth?  There are starving people out there!" "Maybe now's not the time.  I have a new job/new relationship/old relationship/broken down car/just moved etc."
And pretty much every other excuse or rationale out there.
Well...fear's role and goal is to keep you exactly where you are so you don't change the status quo.  Where you are right now isn't serving you, so let's see those excuses and rationales exactly for what they are and make a decision to stop letting them run your life.
When fear runs our lives, we either don't act at all or we act in ways that don't serve us. What we want is to act in ways that serve our growth, serve our transformation, serve our potential.
The world needs YOU.  Your light, your beauty, your strength and intelligence and awesomeness.  And most of all, the world needs you to see yourself in that light.
So contact me right away to set up your 45-minute session and see what potential awaits you. There's limited space, so contact me right away!